New Year Yacht Party Dubai

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New Year Yacht Party Dubai

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New Year Yacht Party Dubai

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New Year Yacht Party Dubai

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New Year Yacht Party Dubai

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New Year Yacht Party Dubai

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Enjoy Premium Experience

Experience Luxurious

The premium desert safari is an extraordinary and captivating adventure that allows you to immerse yourself in the mystique and beauty of the desert landscape while indulging in luxurious amenities and unique experiences. This exceptional tour offers a perfect blend of thrilling activities, cultural encounters, and extravagant comfort, ensuring an unforgettable journey into the heart of the desert.

As the sun begins to set over the mesmerizing golden dunes, the premium desert safari commences, promising an exhilarating and exclusive experience like no other. You will be greeted by a team of experienced guides and expert drivers who are dedicated to providing you with the highest level of hospitality and ensuring your safety throughout the excursion. Highlights Of The Premium Desert Safari

One of the highlights of the premium desert safari is the adrenaline-pumping dune-bashing adventure.

  • You will board a powerful 4x4 vehicle and embark on a thrilling ride over the undulating dunes, navigating through the sandy terrain with the utmost skill and precision.
  • Feel the rush of excitement as your skilled driver maneuvers the vehicle over the steep slopes and breathtaking drops, creating an adrenaline-fueled experience that will leave you exhilarated.
  • After the exhilarating dune bashing session, you will be transported to a lavish Bedouin-style camp, where you can relax and unwind in the lap of luxury.
  • The camp is equipped with opulent facilities, including comfortable seating areas, traditional Arabian carpets, and charming Bedouin decorations that create an authentic and inviting ambiance
  • You can also indulge in a range of activities such as camel riding, quad biking, and sandboarding, allowing you to fully embrace the desert spirit.

The Night Experience

As the night falls, the premium desert safari offers a feast for your senses. You will be treated to a delectable buffet dinner, featuring a sumptuous array of international and Arabic dishes prepared by skilled chefs. Immerse yourself in the rich flavors and aromas of Middle Eastern cuisine as you dine under the starlit sky, accompanied by live traditional music and dance performances that showcase the region's vibrant culture.

  • Indulge in a wide variety of mouthwatering dishes, including aromatic grilled meats, flavorful rice and vegetable dishes, fresh salads, and delectable desserts.
  • Experience the true essence of Middle Eastern hospitality as friendly staff cater to your every need, ensuring a delightful dining experience.
  • Immerse yourself in the enchanting atmosphere as talented performers showcase traditional dances like belly dancing, creating a mesmerizing visual spectacle.

For those seeking tranquility and relaxation, the premium desert safari provides the opportunity to stargaze and appreciate the enchanting beauty of the desert night sky. Lounge on comfortable cushions as you marvel at the endless expanse of stars, far away from the city's bright lights, and let the peaceful atmosphere wash over you.

Safety And Hygiene

Safety and comfort are paramount during the premium desert safari. All vehicles are regularly maintained and driven by experienced professionals who prioritize your well-being. The camp facilities are designed to provide maximum comfort, with clean and hygienic amenities readily available. The tour operators adhere to strict safety protocols, ensuring a secure and enjoyable experience for all participants.

The premium desert safari offers a luxurious and captivating adventure that combines thrilling activities, cultural experiences, and lavish comfort. Whether you seek exhilaration through dune bashing, cultural immersion through traditional performances, or serenity under the starlit sky, this extraordinary tour guarantees an unforgettable journey into the heart of the desert. Allow yourself to be captivated by the beauty and allure of the desert landscape as you create memories that will last a lifetime.

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Corporate Events
12:00PM to 02:00PM
Adult 360 | Child 160
Camping, Exciting Visits.
Competitions and Prizes
Rides Included
New Year Yacht Party Dubai
Wedding Ceremony
09:00PM to 11:30PM
Adult 360 | Child 160
Camping, Exciting Visits.
Competitions and Prizes
Rides Included
New Year Yacht Party Dubai
Product Launch
Launch Ceremony
06:00PM to 08:00PM
Adult 360 | Child 160
Camping, Exciting Visits.
Competitions and Prizes
Rides Included
New Year Yacht Party Dubai
Conference & Gatherings
08:00PM to 10:00PM
Adult 360 | Child 160
Camping, Exciting Visits.
Competitions and Prizes
Rides Included
New Year Yacht Party Dubai

Question Answers

Q Can i book via credit card or with any bank card?
Yes, You can book via online credit card from any bank or services
Answered on 10-apr-2023
Q Can i book via credit card or with any bank card?
Yes, You can book via online credit card from any bank or services
Answered on 10-apr-2023
Q Can i book via credit card or with any bank card?
Yes, You can book via online credit card from any bank or services
Answered on 10-apr-2023
Q Can i book via credit card or with any bank card?
Yes, You can book via online credit card from any bank or services
Answered on 10-apr-2023
Q Can i book via credit card or with any bank card?
Yes, You can book via online credit card from any bank or services
Answered on 10-apr-2023
Q Can i book via credit card or with any bank card?
Yes, You can book via online credit card from any bank or services
Answered on 10-apr-2023
Q Can i book via credit card or with any bank card?
Yes, You can book via online credit card from any bank or services
Answered on 10-apr-2023
Q Can i book via credit card or with any bank card?
Yes, You can book via online credit card from any bank or services
Answered on 10-apr-2023
Q Can i book via credit card or with any bank card?
Yes, You can book via online credit card from any bank or services
Answered on 10-apr-2023
Q Can i book via credit card or with any bank card?
Yes, You can book via online credit card from any bank or services
Answered on 10-apr-2023
All Questions
Q Can i book via credit card ?
Yes, You can book via online credit card from any bank or services
Answered on 10-apr-2023
Q Can i book via credit card ?
Yes, You can book via online credit card from any bank or services
Answered on 10-apr-2023
Q Can i book via credit card ?
Yes, You can book via online credit card from any bank or services
Answered on 10-apr-2023
Q Can i book via credit card ?
Yes, You can book via online credit card from any bank or services
Answered on 10-apr-2023
Q Can i book via credit card ?
Yes, You can book via online credit card from any bank or services
Answered on 10-apr-2023
Q Can i book via credit card ?
Yes, You can book via online credit card from any bank or services
Answered on 10-apr-2023
Q Can i book via credit card ?
Yes, You can book via online credit card from any bank or services
Answered on 10-apr-2023
Q Can i book via credit card ?
Yes, You can book via online credit card from any bank or services
Answered on 10-apr-2023
Q Can i book via credit card ?
Yes, You can book via online credit card from any bank or services
Answered on 10-apr-2023
Q Can i book via credit card ?
Yes, You can book via online credit card from any bank or services
Answered on 10-apr-2023
Q Can i book via credit card ?
Yes, You can book via online credit card from any bank or services
Answered on 10-apr-2023
Q Can i book via credit card ?
Yes, You can book via online credit card from any bank or services
Answered on 10-apr-2023

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New Year Yacht Party Dubai
New Year Yacht Party Dubai

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New Year Yacht Party Dubai Zoo and aquariums in dubai
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